Any incident happening in our life at any moment is governed by five factors
1) Position of a
planet in an individual horoscope
2) Current Active
period (Dasa Lords) from the horoscope
3) Daily transiting
position of the Sun in the circle of sky with respect to the Constellation
(Star) and Sub-Lord
4) Daily transiting
position of the Moon in the circle of sky with respect to the Constellation
(Star) and Sub-Lord.Moon transit in one constellation in about 24 to 27 hrs.
5) Position of an
Ascendent point (Lagna) on East horizon with respect to the Rasi (Sign)Lord and
constellation Lord in that Sign.
This is all
according to Krishnamurthi Theory (known as KP) and with this five points I
developed my concept for predicting accurate daily Bhavishya, and named it as SOPIKP
(Star Oriented Prediction In KP) I presented
it in the form of Panchang known as Nakshyatra-Hora Panchang
From the chart,
given in this post, you can understand how it designed. For formatting the chart Planets are given here
by abbreviated names (short names) as Ravi(Sun)–RV, Chandra(Moon)–CD, Mangal(Mars)–ML, Budh(Mercury)–BD, Guru(Jupiter) –GR, Shukra(Venus) –SK, Shani(Saturn)–SN,
Rahu(Asc.Node)–RH, and Ketu(Desc.Node) –KT. According to KP, only nine planets
are affecting our life and not twelve planets.In my SOPIKP theory I
presumed them as nine Cosmic elements.These nine planets are given Lordship to
the 27 constellation each having 3 constellations in circle of sky
Chart is having
three columns
1)Time in 24 hrs
cycle in terms of Hr. and Mt.
2)Moon transit
shown by CL–Constellation Lord, SL–Sub Lord (this is sub division of
constellation), SSL–Sub Sub Lord (this is sub division of sub lord),
3)Ascendent transit
shown by RL–Rasi Lord(Sign Lord), CL-Constellation Lord, SL –Sub Lord, SSL –Sub Sub Lord,
In time column,
time is noted when Moon start transitting in that particular SSL, and at this
time only, ascendant point has been noted. Last column in the chart is that of Active
Planet (>Active PL).Planets common in CL-SL-SSL of Moon transit and
RL-CL of Ascendent transit are choosen and noted down in this column. These
planets are satisfying our two conditions given above. (five conditions which
governs an incident) These selected Active PL are then connected with
constellation of Ravi (Sun) or sub of that constellation on that day. Active PL
connected with Ravi constellation Lord are marked by $. So Active PL marked
with $ are satisfying three conditions out of five and these are favorable
Planets for that individual at that particular time. If Active PL are not connected
with Ravi Constellation Lord but connected with individual current dasa Lord of
the person then such planets also favorable Planets. And a planet
connected with both dasa Lord @ and Ravi constellation Lord $ are satisfying four conditions given above and are known
as most favorable Planets. What results that planets will give
canbe predicted by planet positions in an individual horoscope and such forty
predictions are charted out for you out of which those connected with every planet are given in the Prediction chart sample of which is given below. So you can select the task from the Prediction Chart and simply judge when the
planets shown against that task is >Active PL and satisfying conditions
given above. This is a very simple but accurate method of judging the daily
Bhavishya (daily Astro Advise) with respect to your horoscope. As such this Nakshtra – Hora Panchang will guide you when
to ACT for the particular task. A word Act itself is the proof of
accuracy of this theory, because ‘A’
means Active Planets (dasa), ‘C’ means Cusp position (Ascendent) and ‘T’
means Transitting planets, i.e. Sun and
Moon daily position with respect to constellation Lord. If you have to carry
out a particular task at particular time
period, and there is no Active PL selected for that time period then you
have one more alternative, that is to select a planet from Sub Lord (SL) from
the Moon Transit column.Same is the
case for those planets which are selected as Active PL but not connected
with dasa Lord or Ravi constellation Lord of that day.
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