Every body seek astrological guidance
when in trouble. Astrology is a science, influencing our activities at every
moment. According to traditional
astrology we assume that influencing sources are Planets. It is not
correct. Actual sources are Proton
Levels of Astro Network, which exists in cosmic rays in form of groups of
protons and they manage our fate which is called as divine PLAN of the God. I named them as Cosmic Elements.
Astro Plan is a programme which
gives us knowledge of influencing proton’s levels for every moment of 24 hours
of a day. According to the theory which I called as SOPIKP these proton levels
influence us through transiting Moon/Sun and transiting Ascendant.Though these
are given in terms of names of nine Planets, actually these are sub divisions
of proton levels of 360 degrees of the circle of sky around our Earth. These
sub divisions in terms of Planets are then co-related with individual horoscope
and planets position there in and general criteria that is applied by
Astrologers for prediction, is applied to these situations so that all
mathematical co-relations can be indicated simply by favorable time for a particular task.
Jyotish means Jyoti + Ish, that is to say a
flame (light) of God. In the light of this flame one can see all bright as well
as dark sides of the future, and can walk with more confidence towards a bright
If you have good fate, you can enjoy
it more powerfully with the help of Astro
Plan. Because all probable good timings can be highlighten by Astro Plan out of which you might have
not aware of some of those in absence of proper knowledge. If you have bad
fate, you can select good timings out of those bad ones, more correctly with
the help of Astro Plan. For all this
you need not to go to any Astrologer. Astro Plan is working more accurately
than any human Astrologer, because it is a programme based on scientific rules
of Astrology known as SOPIKP
Plan is programmed for 43 tasks which a common man deals with in every day
activities. These tasks are:
:- 1) To
talk with Child ,2) To talk with
husband / Wife, 3)
To talk with Parent
4) Conception, 5)Traveling, 6) Accident /Losses, 7) Buy Property / Vehicle
8) Sell Property/Vehicle. 9) Educational
B) SERVICE:- 10)
Leave Sanction , 11) To talk with
boss, 12) Apply for job / Interview
C) MONEY MAKING:- 13) Betting, 14) Gambling,
15) Lottery,16) Horse race, 17) Shares , 18) Card game
15) Lottery,16) Horse race, 17) Shares , 18) Card game
Business time, 20)Conferrance/ Councelling 21)
Loan damand
Documentation. 23)
Investment, 24)
25) Talk with Clients. 26) Advertisement
25) Talk with Clients. 26) Advertisement
Merital Happiness/ marriage time ,
28) Sex Joy, 29) Differences, 30) Love and Romance
28) Sex Joy, 29) Differences, 30) Love and Romance
F) LEGAL MATTER:- 31) Argument, 32) Judgement,
33) Agreement
33) Agreement
G)SICKNESS :-34)Sickness,35) Cure,36)Operation
Time, 37)
Doctor’s advice.
Meditation, 39) Pray God/Puja
40) Intuition,41) Acting/dancing 42) Playing Games,
43) Singing .
40) Intuition,41) Acting/dancing 42) Playing Games,
43) Singing .
From this list , you can understand
that, if you have Astro Plan in your
PC, there will be no need for you to go to Astrologer for consultation. You can use it for any matter as listed
above, with more accuracy, as it choose times with all probable criteria that
are used for Predictions. So manual
mistake of omission of any criteria cannot be done here. Here you get prediction
in terms of date and time for every task, and Astro Plan will provide you Print
out for any matter (task) for a day, week, month, year or years and probable
success is confirmed as per basic planetory positions in your personal
horoscope so it is more accurate. Times selected are in three groups.:
1) Most favorable
times (Indicated
by two stars ) :-Probability of success is up to 70 to 90%. Because transiting
Moon spectrum against this time contains all three planets with Green colour
(Good planets), and all are bold means active planets (Connected with running
dasa or Sun’s transit spectrum) If this
spectrum align with spectrum of Ascendant at that selected time, then
probability of success will be 90 to 100% for the selected task.
2) Favorable times. (indicated by one star ) Probability of success is up to
50 to 70 %. In this case out of three planets of transiting Moon’s spectrum,
two are green (Good) and one is yellow (medium).
3) All other selected
times (without
any star) will give success up to 50%. We usually say that “something is better
than nothing” so if you don’t have most favorable time, or favorable time, then
you can select such “selected times”. To jump in a dark valley of future, it is
wise to jump with a light (flame) of God in one hand i.e. Jyotish.
Astro Plan works with back-up of
transiting planetary data. Our business is to provide this data. Once you load
this programme in your PC, you need to load planetary data for every year. It
can be loaded at once for any number of years.
To load this programme in your PC,
the initial cost of programme is Rs.3000/- with Back-up data for the year upto
2020 from today. For getting astrological advice, you can activate any number
of horoscopes in this programme. This programme will open endless apportunities
to every one. In family matters, one can avoid differances and solve problems positively. So enjoyment
of life will increase.
Money-makers in gambling field can
avoid losses by avoiding unfavorable time for playing, ultimately percentage of
gains can be increased against investment or bet For lottery, race or share
transactions also you can select only favorable times out of which most
favorable times will definitely give you winning prize. Here your Fate will
act, and if it favors you, then you can get all favorable times in the period
of transactions.
Business man can select favorable
times and obtain sure success with progressive prosperity in the tasks no. 20
to 26 listed above.
In present Era of Kaliyuga, Kali
(differances) is acting every where. Now a days husband and wife has to work for
earnings. 6th house of horoscope is consider as positive house for service, at
the same time it is negative house for merital happiness. So you can avoid
differances and enjoy life only when you know such times with the help of Astro
Fate is playing prominant role in
the performance of arts, like acting, dancing, singing, playing games etc.
Astro Plan will provide you favorable times for performing such arts. So
Directors in cine or TV fields, captain of the playing team etc. can get
advantage of it by selecting proper
time for proper artist or player at the time of shooting or playing.
Muhurt for any task listed here can
be obtained from this programme, and it will be favorable because it aligns with
your horoscope (Your Fate) It will be advisable to select most favorable times
(**) for any muhurt. For example -
Entry to new house - Buy property. (b) Commancing new business - Business time.
Shooting muhurt - Acting,(d) Praying God by puja - Puja / Pray
Astrologers who used Steller
astrology, can evaluate exact date and time for performance of any task given
in this programme, just by referring most favorable situation for the task in calculated dasa
Sample of the prediction chart is given below -
Person – ABC
Time selected for - Business
Date Time Moon Transit
10/17/2006 09-33 ML RV
10/17/2006 09-55 ML RV
SN *
10/17/2006 10-39 ML CD
10/17/2006 11-16 ML CD
SN **
We all were bound with
the Time. Birth time decides our Fate, and time after that moment remains for
us as Favorable or Unfavorable time. So let us choose with the
help of Astro Plan, only favorable times for the activities of remaining
of our life.
You can have this Astro Plan on your PC for Rs.3000/- with data upto 2020.Further data for ten years can be given at the cost of Rs.2000/- . Thus you can update data files after every ten years. This is good astro-advisor for a family as well as professional astrologers.
You can have this Astro Plan on your PC for Rs.3000/- with data upto 2020.Further data for ten years can be given at the cost of Rs.2000/- . Thus you can update data files after every ten years. This is good astro-advisor for a family as well as professional astrologers.
theoretical background of this concept go to the next post by clicking on older post written on right hand side
of this page, or for any details call us by -
No- (M).- 9220792948
Address:- Dr. Bhaskar Joshi ,
For sure success and progressive profits, align your
day-plan with ASTRO PLAN
What is ASTRO PLAN ?
It is a chart of Proton Levels of Astro Network, present in the cosmic rays. Cosmic rays are having sub-atomic particles, like protons, neutrons, and electrons. These particles are constantly bombarding on earth. They are supposed to have strong interactions with bio-chemical reactions of living cells on the earth. Cosmic rays traveled with the speed of light, and their pathway is deviated in the sky due to Electro magnetic fields of the planets. Ancient theories of all Astrological concepts are based on influences of planets, because that time telescopes were not developed and knowledge of such tiny sub-atomic particles was not available. When I gathered such knowledge from Astronomical books, and coupled it with Astrological concepts, got confirmed that Planets are acting as a mediator and true sources for Astrological influences are those tiny sub-atomic particles present in the cosmic rays. I called them as Cosmic Elements.
Whole universe is supposed to fill up with energy packets known as Universal Energy Fields (UEF) or plasma, and every living cell on the earth is also having such energy packets around its physical body.These energy packets are known as Aura or Human Energy Fields (HEF).Particles in UEF or HEF have strong resemblance with sub-atomic particles present in cosmic rays.
Recently scientist achieved success in separation of sub-sub atomic particle known as Quark. Every proton is made up of three quarks and interactions between groups of quarks will give rise to the creation of new groups of protons of a new element. Atomic combustion at the centre of every star (like Sun) is a main source of production of quarks.
Every matter in the Universe obay four basic laws of nature. Those are (1) Gravitational Force,(2)Electro-magnetic Force,(3)Strong interactions exist at high temperature and(4)Weak interactions exist at low temperature, below 3000K.At the time of Big-Bang, some 12 to 15 billion years back, nature has created one chemical today it is called as God Particle and which is having some cosmic elements in it, at sub-sub atomic levels. That chemical spread all over Universe and millions of solar systems developed. Our solar system is one of them. All solar systems and matters within them obeys above four laws of nature, and according to these laws, elements had been created from sub-atomic particles. When fundamental elements are created, chemical reactions started and these chemical reactions produced living cells in a suitable atmosphere.So Adi-maya or Chaitanya described in ancient Indian Literature is nothing but these cosmic elements at sub-atomic levels which produces living being on earth. By this way we can conclude that Proton (Param) is the first God (Iswar) who produced this Universe, and with the formation of more and more cosmic elements chemical reactions progressed and living being in the Universe went on developing at various stages.
With this background of scientific knowledge, now we will turn over to the concept of Astrology.
Basic concept of Astrology is that, nine planets in the sky have influence on living being on earth and according to their influence at the time of birth, fate chart (Horoscope) operates with respect to the influencing period known as Dasa Period, in Indian Astrology.Vishottary Dasa period in Indian Astrology is developed by Parashar Rishi, some five thousand years back. In this system nine planets have particular sequence and with this sequence they have given lordship of group of three constellations out of 27. Also every planet has given number of years of its influencing period. So sequence and influencing periods, established at the time of Parashar Rishi is as below.
Sun (6), Moon (10), Mars (7), Asc. Node (Rahu) (18), Jupiter (16), Saturn (19), Mercury (17), Dsc. Node (Ketu) (7) and Venus (20). Total 120 years.
In an individual horoscope or in horary horoscope, influencing period is calculated by position of transiting Moon through a constellation at that particular time. Every day Moon transit from one constellation lordship of that constellation decides dasa or influencing period. Influencing period, so calculated will throughout the life of human being gives knowledge of dasa lord at the birth time and operate according to sequence given above.
Circle of the sky is usually divided into twelve signs. In Indian Astrology it can be further divided by means of Navamansa, or Shadvarg horoscopes. With the help of Vishottary Dasa period (Influencing period) one South Indian Astrologer, Jyotirmartand K.S. Krishnamurthy developed his own system known as KP System, in which he divided 360 degrees of the sky in 249 subs. This sub-division is made by considering total range of a constellation (i.e. 13° - 20° or 800 min.) and multiplying it by the ratio of number of years given to the planet and total number of years (120 years) taken in Vishottary Dasa system.
We can call this ratio as a coefficient of the planet. To honor Krishnamurthy I named it as K-factor. Coefficients so calculated and rounded up to the three digits are as below
1) Sun : 6/120 » 0.050 2) Moon : 10/120 » 0.083
3) Mars : 7/120 » 0.058 4) Asc. Node (Rahu) : 18/120 » 0.150
5) Jupiter : 16/120 » 0.133 6) Saturn : 19/120 » 0.159
7) Mercury : 17/120 » 0.142 8) Dsc. Node (Ketu : 7/120 » 0.058
9) Venus : 20/120 » 0.167
By multiplying 800 min. range of a constellation with these coefficients, we can get sub-range of a particular constellation. This sub-range can be further divided into sub-sub range by applying the same method. Thus 360 degrees of the sky can be divided into any number of sub-divisions and we can get a minute portion where in concentration of sub-atomic particles in Universal Energy Field (cosmic rays) can be assigned with a spectrum of cosmic elements according to planets names, we used in Astrology.
Modern Astronomical knowledge put forth all pros and cons of every planet or sub-planet in the sky. So you hesitate to believe in traditional Astrological concepts, I too, of the opinion that planets have no direct influence on human being; as far as fate is concerned. They are just acting as a mediator for deviation of cosmic energy fields. Knowledge of cosmic energy fields or its deviation due to Electro-magnetic fields present in the galaxy or at vicinity of planets and sub-planets, was not known to the ancient Astrologers. These facts are recently established when telescopes are developed. So ancient Astrologers developed their concept of Astrology by taking in to consideration planetary effects visualized at their time. But modern scientists investigated cosmic rays, energy fields in the Universe, and so may other facts and put forth new theories. According to these new theories, now we have to develop new concepts for Astrology, which can be proved with this scientific knowledge, and at the same time it can be used for predicting future events with more accuracy and consistency.
Any type of light consists of small particles known as photons. We also have a scientific knowledge that white light is a combination of seven colours, which can be separated when white light is passed through a prism. This is called as defraction of light. When we see a particular colour through naked eye, we have in mind one scientific knowledge that, the matter illuminating that particular colour is having capacity to absorb all other colours of white light except that one colour (or photons of that colour) which it is illuminating. Thus it is happening at the level of small particles known as photons.
Now again we turned over to the Universe, which contains photons as well as protons in Universal energy fields of cosmic rays.Scientists have proved that; cosmic rays are deviated from their path due to Electro-magnetic fields present in the sky. These Electro-magnetic fields are present at vicinity of every planet or sub-planet; as well as at the range of constellations beyond our solar system. In Astrology every constellation has given lordship of planets. Thus 27 constellations are divided into groups of three, by giving lordship of nine planets, used in Indian Astrology. At this stage if we assume that nine planets or their names used in Indian Astrology are representatives of nine energy fields having configuration of particular number of protons, at sub-atomic level, then we can properly assign them appropriate name as Cosmic Elements. Billions of years after a moment of Big Bang, these cosmic elements, entered one by one into our galaxy. They are then deviated due to Electro-magnetic fields of stars in our galaxy. Their deviation angle is yet not confirmed by scientists. But in Indian Astrology it is assumed, as 120 degrees from their straight path. So a particular type of cosmic element went on deviating by group of three constellations in our galaxy. Here we can apply principle of absorption of photons, of white light. Thus every group of three constellation has tendency to absorb all ranges or groups of cosmic elements except one which is getting deviated by that group of constellations. According to modern scientific knowledge, Universal energy fields present in our galaxy have so far traveled about 30 lakhs light years of distance and according to their calculations, these energy fields must go on diminishing. On the contrary they found to remain same or go on increasing. Scientists have not yet found out existence of such force which bind these energy fields within our galaxy. This task is already done by ancient Indian Astrologers like Parashar Rishi by assigning angle of deviation of cosmic energy fields equivalent to 120 degrees, and confirming nine groups of constellation in our galaxy. Only the odd thing they had done that they used names of nine planets to these cosmic energy fields in basic concepts of Astrology, because that time they (our sages) were not aware of the knowledge of cosmic energy fields.
Now I will explain why I derived a conclusion that nine sources used in Astrological predictions are not planets but nine cosmic energy fields or elements, which are present in the Universe at sub-atomic level. For this, again I will reconsider sequence of planets used in Vishottary Dasa system by Parashar Rishi and number of years assigned to each planet.
In Astrology, definition of Planet is not any way resembles with the definition that is used in Astronomy. The word Planet is used in Astrology for all those nine principal deviating sources in the sky, which are present as a bunch of matter in our solar system. I used the word 'bunch of matter', because, planets are considered with Moons also. In Indian Astrology Rahu and Ketu are supposed to be intersecting nodes of ecliptic planes of Sun and Moon, around the Earth. But when Parashar Rishi made sequence of nine cosmic elements he put Rahu between Mars and Jupiter, where crores of asteroids are present in the form of belt around the Sun. Position for Ketu is given by him between Mercury and Venus. Some research workers of Astronomy are of the strong belief that in ancient time there was one planet near Mercury and due to uneven path of the Mercury that planet (it was called as Luna) loose its position and thrown away near to earth and settled there as sub-planet of earth called as moon. That time it might be possible that, the planet Luna had left back some pieces in the form of asteroids and like Rahu, those asteroids are there revolving around the Sun. So if these facts we considered as basic, for presence of nine Electro-magnetic fields in our solar system, we can definitely draw a conclusion that cosmic element in the form of sub-atomic particles (Protons) are the main sources of Astrological predictions and not the Planets.
When I look at the periods given to Planets in terms of years for influencing periods, I derived conclusion of Proton base cosmic energy fields or cosmic elements. How ? that I will explain now.
Parashar Rishi when established the sequence, he put Sun on the first place in the sequence and given lordship of Krittika constellation to the Sun. In Indian Astrology Sun has given significance of soul. The concept of soul is accepted in Indian philosophy only. It is called as centre-core of all living being up till now nobody can explain where it is in the living body. Some sages of Indian origin about three thousand years back tried to trace out presence of soul and explained their theories in Upanishads. I studied all those assumptions and derived my Proton base cosmic element theory for Astrology.
When Sun is settled down as a star, at its centre core, atomic reactions started at high temperature and protons are produced there. When a single proton having positive charge, coupled with an electron with negative charge, first atom of Hydrogen was formed. Three atoms of Hydrogen coupled with each other and first atom of Helium was formed. This combination progressed with union of two atoms of Helium and produced first atom of Carbon, having six protons at its core. With these formations, µ-ladder of elements started and higher elements are produced in the atomic reactions at the centre of the Sun. All living being are composed of Organic Chemicals and all organic chemicals are having carbon as principal core of all. Thus Parashar Rishi had given six years to Sun as influencing period in Vishottary Dasa system. Sun had given significance of soul and Carbon having six protons at its core is called as principal core of all the organic chemicals, is nothing but the soul, that is explained by Indian literature.
Now we will tried to derive second cosmic element by considering second planet in the sequence. It is Moon and has given ten years of influencing period. According to me these nine cosmic elements and their sequence established by Parashar Rishi is a fundamental chart of progress of living being on earth. In Upanishad it was also explained that at first there was only a soul in this Universe, then with the chain formation of Panch-mahabhutas (Five Elements) first molecule of water is formed. Water has formula H2O having one atom of Oxygen (Eight Protons) and two atoms of Hydrogen (Two Protons). Moon has given significance of water in Astrology and water has ten protons in its single molecule, which is equivalent to ten years given to Moon as its influencing period. So in progress of nature second cosmic element is formed, significance of which is given to Moon, and Parashar Rishi established its protons value by giving ten years as its influencing period. Here we must realise that Parashar Rishi had done all this when discovery of an Atom was not done by anybody.
Scientists are of the opinion that formation of first molecule of DNA and RNA on earth or in the sky is supposed to be the origin of start of living being on the earth. These molecules are made up by linkage of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen atoms. First two cosmic element, as I explained above, are having carbon, oxygen and hydrogen atoms. So the third cosmic element must be nitrogen, which is having seven protons in its core. The third planet in the sequence is Mars and it has given seven years of influencing period in Vishottary Dasa system. Nitrogen is the base of all amino-proteins and amino-proteins produces vigour in a living being which is signified by Mars in Astrology. Thus we can draw a conclusion that third cosmic element having seven protons is definitely nitrogen, which is signified by Mars in the sequence.
Like wise above one can draw a progression chart of all Proton-base cosmic elements. But for this task to carry out one must have deep knowledge of Genetic Science, Biochemistry, Physics etc. so that he can link-up influencing periods given to all other planets to number of proton in an atom or in molecule which involved in progression of living being from a single cell bacteria to multi-cell human being. The next planet in sequence are Rahu (18), Jupiter (16), Saturn (19), Mercury (17), Ketu (7) and Venus (20). I will end-up this explanation by considering last planet in the sequence i.e. Venus having influencing period 20 years. In Astrology Venus has given significance of sex. In one Upanishad called Brihadaranya Kopanishada, some different explanation is given for soul. It was linked up with sex. According to that, soul was alone at the start, he bored for the loneliness and divided himself into two and produced two sex i.e. male and female. Thus formation of sex in living cell and reproduction by sexual relation instead of multiple break-down of a single cell, is introduced when last i.e. ninth cosmic element was introduced in cosmos of the Earth. This ninth cosmic element must be having 20 protons, as Parashar Rishi had given 20 years influencing period and also significance of sex to it. Again as said above it was divided into two parts, it must be molecule having two atoms. So I thought for this SiC molecule as cosmic element, which has proton configuration 20 i.e. 14 protons of silicon and 6 protons of carbon, I coupled silicon with carbon (soul) because concept of rebirth of soul and confirmation of its Karma (happiness and sorrows) according to its past deeds (Purvasanchit) is accepted in Indian Astrology. Now we are entering into Era of quantum computers, where in memories once established can not be erased. Silicon is the only atom, on which such work can be done. So in human brain or brain of every living being if there is any arrangement to fix memories of the Karma (deeds) on silicon atom, then according to me it may be possible that at the last breath, that silicon atom will unite with carbon atom (soul) and escape from dead body with memories and genetic code, for the next birth. Thus SiC cosmic element having such genetic code, through sexual relation of living being under influence of Venus (as a cosmic element and not as a planet) will enter into new body for doing Karma (deeds) according to its previous birth memories. This phenomenon of progression of genetic code is also accepted in Darwin 's theorem.
For four cosmic elements out of nine, I tried to give explanations, with best of my scientific as well as astrological knowledge. With these guidelines, one can go ahead for confirmation of other five cosmic elements. My intention is to confirm the concept of cosmic elements and their influence on living being at sub-atomic levels; so that we can discard the influence of planets and try to build a new model for Astrology. Here we can coupled this knowledge with recent study of God particle. Scientist found this God particle having weight about 125 to 130 times heavier than a proton. According to me it must be exactly 120 times heavier than a proton because as per calculation of number of protons in nine Cosmic elements so far we discussed are 120(total dasa period) and it was established long ago by Parashar.
To built a new model for Astrology, we must confirm interaction of these nine cosmic elements with living being or precisely we may say with human being. To find out such interaction, we must have to refer Indian ancient sciences, like Yogic methods, Yogic chakras, presence of Kundalini, in the body, presence of three nadies which are connected with nervous system in the spinal cord of a human etc. As we discussed earlier, every matter in this Universe obey four laws of nature, i.e. gravitation force, Electro-magnetic force, strong interactions and weak interactions, every matter from macro universe (Bramhand) to micro atom (Bramha) has its own gravitation force and Electro-magnetic field. With these phenomenon, it was proved that human body exist at two levels, one is physical body and second one is cosmic body which is known as Aura and it exist around physical body in nine layers. These layers can be visualized with the aid of Kirian Photography. Cosmic body is inhaling with twelve chakras, within it around a physical body. Out of these twelve chakras, ten are arranged in five pairs on the body as front and rare (back) chakras, whereas one chakra out of remaining two, is supposed to be at the top of the head, and is called as Sahastrar or Crown Chakra. It has 972 vortices, revolving within it with a fast speed. This chakra has influence of Moon. The other one is at the base between anus and scrotum or vegina, and is called as Muladhar or basal chakra. It has influence of Sun, and it is connected with Kundalini. It has four vortices. These chakras are suppose to inhale cosmic elements at sub-atomic levels, and these elements are then moved into a physical body with a path as described in Yogic methods, as below
Chakra-to nadis-to nervous system-to blood circulation-to cell-to out of body in Aura.
Interaction of these elements depends on influencing period, cycle of which is established at the time of birth. According to me this establishment might be at Muladhar Chakra (soul) and interactions in normal human is according to spectrum of influencing period (Mahadasa - Antradas - Vidasa etc.) through two nadis (front and rare), where as in case of those, whose Kundalini (Muladhar Chakra) is said to be active, this path might be directly form crown chakra to muladhar (basal) chakra through middle nadi. So such superhuman have capacity to absorb all the nine cosmic elements irrespective of their influencing period and due to this their brain is align with nature at maximum extent, so that they can know all the things with third eye (sixth sense). Thus after interaction with bio-chemical reactions of the cell, they come out and form aura in nine layers, around the physical body. These layers are supposed to have energy packets of these cosmic elements called as Human Energy Fields (HEF). As discussed earlier these HEF has affinity to interact with UEF (Universal Energy Fields) and with this affinity every living being produces vibrations, which can be migrated with a speed of light and with which fate can be determined. Because when your fate is favorable you come in contact with favorable persons and gain good things, this is a simple principle of astrology. For this reason I took so much efforts to make Astroplan for you.
Now we have to errect logical path, and a model of astrological concept with which cosmic elements are supposed to take part in determination or prediction of fate. In astrology two such paths are said to be very sensitive for interaction of cosmic elements with the Earth. First one is rising ascendant on East horizon, due to self revolution of Earth. This is tangential point on Earth's round surface, where deviation of cosmic particles is supposed to be zero, because, Electro-magnetic field of the Earth is neutral at this point. So this is an ideal point for entry of all cosmic particles with their electric charges intact. At such point (rising ascendant) these charged cosmic elements will interact with all living being present at that point. This rising ascendant can be located in the sky with a spectrum as sign lord - constellation lord - sub lord etc; and as such its spectrum will give knowledge of interacting cosmic elements at that point at particular time.
Second sensitive point is transiting Moon in the sky. as we discussed earlier, every matter in the Universe is acting under gravitational force. Planets are revolving around sun due to counter balance of gravitational forces of the both, so also is the case of atom, where electrons, revolve around protons. But tiny cosmic elements at sub-atomic level, cannot revolve around sun or any planet, but they get attracted towards these huge masses due to gravitational force. Earth has stronger gravitational field than Moon, so every cosmic particle with respect to spectrum of transiting Moon, as sign lord - constellation lord - sub lord - sub sub lord etc. when deviated from Moon due to its Electro-magnetic field, will strongly attracted towards Earth more sensitively than any other planet in the solar system. These cosmic elements shower to Earth's atmosphere in all directions. For this reason position of transiting Moon's spectrum is supposed to be second sensitive point for interaction of cosmic elements with living being on Earth. Whenever Moon spectrum align with ascendant spectrum, concentration of interacting cosmic particles is at its maximum level, so at such time, probability of happening of particular incident as signified by those cosmic elements in one's horoscope is found to be maximum at the extent of 100% perfection.
Apart from these two more sensitive points, other secondary sensitive points are all planets in our solar system, including Sun and asteroids (Rahu and Ketu) also. For judgment of results, there points are also said to be equally important. As we discussed earlier range of a constellation is having tendency to absorb all cosmic elements except one, whose lordship is given to that constellation. This is not happening in case of planets. The fact has been established in cosmic ray therapy that every planet has tendency to absorb or receive one cosmic element out of nine. So ultimately all other eight elements are constantly deviating from that planet. With respect to the Earth, these transiting planets are susceptible to deviate those cosmic elements towards Sun because all planets are under gravitational force of the Sun. Such elements when aligned with Sun’s constellation then they can be deviated towards Earth whose range of spectrum can be determined by the position of Sun at the range of constellation and sub of the same. Thus results of any transiting planet can be determined by knowing constellation lord and sub lord of the same. But these will interact on earth only when Sun is in that range. So Sun is also considered to be major factor for prediction of an incidence. These results are more prominent than the cosmic elements of planets itself. As I said earlier, every planet has tendency to absorb one cosmic elements of its name, so if any planet when transit through constellation range of its own lordship, it is probable that the said planet is unable to deviate cosmic element of its own constellation, in such case it will give results of its sub-range more effectively than the cosmic elements of that constellation.
Now, I would like to take a chance to summerise, whatever we have discussed so far.
1) Traditional concept of Astrology is based on influence of planets on living being. Development of science proved that this concept is totally wrong.
2) We tried to search for other 'matter' in the Universe, which is likely to be more probable for influence on living being. Such influencing 'matter' must obey all basic laws of nature.
3) With the help of influencing periods of planets used in Dasa System (Vishottary dasa system established by Parashar Rishi), we tried to trace out such matter. It is 'Proton' present in cosmic rays as sub-atomic particle with positive charge.
4) We then established its interaction with living being especially its interactions with DNA based bio-chemical reactions in living cells.
5) We established sources of such particles in cosmic rays. Those sources are constellations and then deviation of such particles in cosmic rays by so called planets in astrology in our solar system. Such deviation of particles in terms of spectrum can be assigned to any point in the sky by the position of those matters or planets with respect to the range of constellations around Earth.
6) Finally we established sensitive points of such interactions with Earth atmosphere, ultimately the living being on Earth. Such points are a) Rising ascendant, b) Transiting Moon and c) Transiting Sun of our solar system Explanation so far given above regarding new concept of astrology based on cosmic elements (Protons) theory can clarify only the influence of such elements on living being through rising ascendant, transiting Moon and Sun. We have not yet discussed an important basic concept of astrology i.e. how nature co-relates these cosmic energy sources with living being at birth? This co-relation can be explained with the help of horoscope or birth chart of an individual. But again there will be confusion for timing of casting a birth chart. Life of an individual start at the time of conception and we take only actual birth time. It is not scientific. So now we will see science behind it.
In Indian literature, creation of everything was assumed to be from God Vishnu. At the moment of big-bang, there was no God.(Indian literature assume presence of Dattaguru at this point) It happened as per laws of nature and sub-atomic particles were produced, which was named as Adimaya or Chaitanya. It was called as monads or Energy fields in terms of science. These particles produced vibrations and man at the period of Vedas captured these vibrations in verbal word "OM ". This first word developed psychic relation of man with cosmic energy sources of the nature and from there man developed concepts of God. With the development of language, names of these Gods were fixed. If we separate words of name of god of creation, i.e. Vishnu we can judge properly the development of scientific knowledge without any instruments at the ancient time, when everything was judged by Yogas at psychic levels. The name Vishnu contains two words (Vish + Anu)"Vish" means the things which already entered “in” and anu means atom. So the name signifies the things which already entered in an atom of every element and produced new element and according to science such thing is a proton, which by addition of a new proton produce new element according to alpha ladder concept. Man at ancient time was not in position to put it in scientific language but wisely he created a God, and give him such a name which can give proper explanation of his invention at psychotic levels. This is explained in Indian literature as Dattaguru produces Adimata i.e. the first vibration in universe and from these vibrations Pranav or Paramatma (Pranav resembles with Proton) was produced. To this Paramatma, Adimata hand over nine ankur aishwarye (nine cosmic elements) of Dattaguru and gave a task to produce living beings in the Universe and to manage the growth of the same.
Thus initially vibrations due to movement of subatomic particles in the Universe were created by nature, these vibrations with increasing velocity and volume start creating different cosmic elements with the help of which DNA molecule of first living cell was produced. This might be the basic principle of living cell and it remains the same though the living cell developed with more complexity as in the case of man.So nature's vibrations in terms of nine cosmic elements once captured by living cells at time of conception, co-relates universal existence of cosmic elements with that individual.
Phenomenon discussed above can be proved scientifically. Because some of the scholars of Astrology established the fact that Moon's position at the time of conception found to be same at the time of birth of an individual. Moon's position is considered for calculation of dasa or influencing period from which happening of any incident throughout the life span is judged. So these vibrations with respect to the spectrum of transiting moon are fixed at the time of conception. But at that time Yogic chakras around body not developed. These chakras are main organs of the spiritual body which inhale cosmic elements and give supply of the same to physical body. These chakras start acting only at the time of birth when an individual take his first breath and nature align both the moments (conception and actual birth) in such a way, so that man should be under influence of same spectrum of cosmic elements for both the time So, for casting a horoscope of an individual, only birth time is taken, because, at that time all organs of physical body and spiritual body start acting with respect to the vibration of cosmic elements aligned with that individual by nature.
Thus, transiting Moon's spectrum act as a principal role for calculating influencing period. This is fixed at the time of conception. So it is more probable to say that soul with previous memories (cosmic element SiC) coupled with genetic codes of present cells of male and female through their chakras and give birth of a new individual, with memories of past deeds of that soul at the time of conception and all fate including death of that individual is imprint on DNA of that new cell at that time and it starts acting from that moment. But material life of that individual starts at the time of birth only. So, ascendant sign at the time of birth is considered for casting the fate chart of that individual. Thus fate judgements are fixed with ascendant sign, and time judgement with Moon sign.
Astroplan co-relates your favorable or unfavorable times with respect to the planetary position in your birth chart to the daily transit of Ascendant and Moon in the sky. The spectrums for Moon transit are shown in terms of Constellation lord, (CL) Sub-constellation lord,(SL) and Sub-sub lord, (SSL) and a spectrums for ascendant are shown in terms of Rasi (sign) lord (RL), Constellation lord (CL), Sub lord (SL) , and Sub-sub lord (SSL), The time span is taken for change of Sub-sub lord of Moon transit.
In chemistry abbreviation are used for names of elements, e.g. Fe for iron, N for Nitrogen etc. Likewise I use abbreviations for nine cosmic elements according to Indian names assigned to nine planets that are used in astrology. Those are as below –
1. RV - RaVi - Sun 2. CD -ChanDra - Moon, 3. ML -MangaL - Mars
4. BD - BuDh -Mercury 5. GR -GuRu - Jupiter 6.SK - ShuKra - Venus
7.SN - ShaNi -Saturn 8. RH -RaHu - Asc. Node 9. KT - KeTu -Dsc.node.
Everywhere in the charts of Astroplan these abbreviations are used with color codes according to the planet’s position in an individual’s birth chart. Green color indicates favorable planets whereas red color indicates unfavorable planets and yellow color indicates a planet with mixed results (favorable as well as unfavorable).
For more details please contact us by phone, e-mail or a letter to the following e-address. For installation of software we will send you a CD or visit you personally on request.
We all were bound with the Time. Birth time decides our Fate, and time after that moment remains for us as Favorable or Unfavorable time. So let us choose with the help of Astro Plan, only favorable times for the activities of remaining of our life.
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